The miraculous is linked with humble men. Pride is an insidious subtle sin. We fail to recognize it in ourselves, although we are quick to recognize it in others.

The Christ of Christmas was born in a humble manger to humble parents in a humble city. He walked a humble walk, preached a humble message (Blessed are the meek and poor in spirit), died a humble death (crucified... between two thieves) was, and is the beloved Son of God. He came from glory and riches that our finite minds cannot possibly grasp but “became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).

He turned the world upside down, or should I say, right side up, in order to show us men that those who seek true humility are the richest of all men, but those who seek to honor and bolster pride possess the deepest poverty.

Surrounding the humble birth of Jesus we also notice how much the miraculous is linked with humility, e.g. the angelic visitations to Mary, Joseph and the shepherds, the prophetic utterances by Elisabeth, Mary, Zacharias, Simeon and Anna, the prophetess.

It is high time for us men to repent of our pride and take to ourselves the riches of humility. Perhaps then we shall see more miracles in our families, churches and community.

Happy Christmas!

Colin Campbell.

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