RedTideLast week my wife and I spent a week at Laguna Beach in Florida (our annual family vacation). A large number of family and friends were with us which always adds to the fun.

After traveling all day in our vehicles, we arrived at our destination on the beach. We got out of our cars and immediately knew that something was very wrong with the atmosphere. There was a strong smell in the air and we all immediately began coughing as if someone had released hot pepper into the air.

The manager had not yet arrived to unlock the house which family members had rented for the week and so we had to stay outside coughing our hearts out. We went down to the surf and beheld thousands of of dead fish washed up on the shore. The machine came down the beach every night to gather them all up.

Finally, we got into the house and got the A/C going which brought considerable relief. We soon discovered that many of the beaches in Florida were experiencing what is known as a red tide. It is an algae that blooms in costal areas around the world. It kills certain fish and is harmful to humans, especially causing respiratory problems. Eating shell fish (and other fish) can be dangerous if they are contaminated with the algae.

As a family we immediately went to binding and losing in prayer. We asked God to work a miracle for us. The next morning, we woke up to a beautiful day without any trace of the smell. No more coughing. No more dead fish coming up with the tide. The beach remained perfect for the entire week of our stay. Praise God who loves to answer family prayers.

This was an outstanding miracle for us. I mention it to prove that God still loves to work miracles when families pray the prayers of agreement (Matthew 18:18-20).

There is another tide threatening the USA and it’s called The Blue Wave, the political party that wants to destroy conservative values. They want to keep abortion on demand, support the homosexual agenda, bring down moral values, raise taxes, and turn America into an extreme socialist state controlled by a one world government.

Extreme socialism (communism) has always hated and persecuted Christians. Take North Korea for example, the No. 1 persecutor of Christians in the world. And now China has recently begun a resurgence of persecution and is doubling down against Christians.

The blue wave gives lip service to our constitution, but in their hearts, they want to destroy it. America is one of the most blessed countries in the world, perhaps the most blessed. And yet this blue wave will never be satisfied, no matter how much God has favored us.

The blue wave is a humanistic wave which has no place for God. When God is removed from society all moral restraint is removed.

But just as our family prayers bound the tide of death and destruction on the beach last week in Florida, even so we can bind this blue wave of atheism, humanism, and extreme socialism which threatens our godly values.

There has never been a more important time to gather your family around you and pray to the Father in Heaven through the name of His Son, Jesus Christ to destroy this blue wave of lies and deception.

Isaiah 59:19: “So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.”

You, your wife, and your family can be that standard (banner) to send the enemy packing.


Begin today.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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