GoldMin5We must teach the truth of the golden altar to our families. God has called us men to be fathers and leaders of our families, teaching our children how to pray, worship, and read God’s Holy Word. Without question, this is one of the most important things we can do as fathers.

If we who call ourselves Christian fathers place more emphasis on teaching our children social skills, the rights and wrongs of our cultural traditions, the provision of a good education, and the importance of being good and successful citizens, rather than a relationship with God through prayer and His Living Word, we fail them in what really matters most.

If we have not taught them how to pray daily and seek God through reading and meditation of His Word, from an eternal perspective we fail to teach them what matters most.

Many will say, “This is why we take our family to church once a week.” But prayer and the study of God’s Word was never ever meant to be a once a week ritual, but rather a daily habit.

How can our children possibly survive in this morally corrupt world, with all the deceptions that go along with it, if we do not wake up to the truth that we need God every moment of every day?

The Bible says in James 4:8: “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” We need to encourage a daily experience of drawing near to God. How can we expect God to walk with us if our fathers never taught us how to walk with Him. How can we expect our children to walk with God if we don’t teach them how to walk with Him?

The ministry of the golden altar is needful so we can experience its value in our lives every day, from the cradle to the grave.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Picture: Henry-Mosier-Pilgrims-Grace


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