GoldMin19Revelation 19:12: “His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns.”

God commanded Moses to make a crown around the top of the golden altar of incense. Why? God does not do things without reason. This golden crown was not a meaningless decoration.

Throughout biblical history, the crown always relates to kings and kingdoms. God, in His infinite wisdom, planned that this altar should have a golden crown around its top. The purpose was that all who approached the ministry of this altar would understand they were involved in a royal, kingly ministry. The royal majesty and glory of this crown far surpasses the honor and glory of all earthly monarchs.

That truth is that all those who attend to this ministry of prayer, intercession, and worship are engaging themselves with the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords. This is not something to be taken lightly, flippantly, or casually. In fact, calling on God is our most royal privilege.

If an average citizen of this world were given at least one personal invitation to stand before an earthly monarch of great importance, I think they would regard it as a great honor. They would make sure they presented themselves at the right time and in the appropriate manner. Following such a privileged encounter, they would talk about it for the rest of their days.

We need to ask ourselves: How do we feel about approaching our heavenly Father whose majesty cannot, now or ever, be compared to any other majesty. Prayer is indeed a very great privilege. That the Great God of all the universe should grant to us the privilege of approaching His royal throne as often as we desire, and He also desires us to do so, is indeed grace beyond description! It is a “THRONE of grace” that we come to (Hebrews 4:16).

We should seek to understand more of this revelation.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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