By Colin Campbell on Saturday, 02 May 2020
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


We look today at the kind of faith we need to press into the double portion anointing. We see this in Philippians 3:11-14.

• There is a faith that believes “by any means possible” meaning whatever it takes—rain, hail, or snow, nothing is going to stop me from attaining all that is possible to attain in Christ.
• There is a faith that believes “I have not yet attained all that there is for me in Christ.
• There is a faith that believes “I have not reached perfection yet.”
• There is a faith that believes in “following after.” In other words, pursuing with all the means you have in Christ to obtain a higher degree of apprehension and perfection.
• There is faith that “apprehends or “grasps hold of” as you run to receive a prize.
• There is a faith that confesses “this is one thing I do.” It is the consuming passion of your life.
• There is a faith that “forgets the past and reaches forth” to be the first over the finish line.
• There is a faith that presses on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize.”

This type of faith in Christ Jesus that Paul lived (not only talked about) was a life of pioneering, discipline, hard work, warfare, “blood and guts” fighting, and possessing his inheritance.

The Christianity that Paul preached was a far cry from what we see and observe in our modern 21st century church life.

What’s happening through this COVID-19 virus could well be a wake-up call for us to examine ourselves to see whether we have the faith that will enable us to be overcomers and victors.

It seems to me that we could face many more challenges ahead. We are certainly going to need all that there is in Christ to win. The double portion means walking in His fullness and all that He has for us.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell