BattleHeatsUpThe battle for our nation is heating up even more. Now that the Supreme Court Judge, Antonin Scalia, has passed away, it puts the conservative cause in a very precarious position. President Obama will undoubtedly seek to elect a liberal judge to take his position. This would tip the delicate balance of interpreting and making final judgment on the American supreme legal system in favor of liberalism. It would affect the very tenuous stand we already have on such important values as abortion, planned parenthood, the right to bear arms, the homosexual agenda on gay marriage, and the list goes on.

Even if the House and Senate were able to stall the election of a liberal judge, proposed and appointed by President Obama until a new president is sworn into the oval office, what happens if “we the people” vote in a liberal-minded president?

It is not only a democratic president that we should be concerned about, but a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” republican president.

We, the citizens of this great country who confess we fear and trust in God must now intensify our fervent prayer, and even some fasting. We must pray that God will enable His people to have true, godly discernment and get behind a true, proven-by-experience, God-fearing, constitution-loving, uncompromising candidate who will lead this country with courage and godly wisdom.

Although I would not say no to Marco Rubio, I believe that the right man to get behind is Ted Cruz. I know it’s not politically correct to espouse any one candidate in the Christian community. However, I for one, do not believe in political correctness. It’s time for God’s people to put our antennas up to Heaven and seek God as to who we can get behind and support.

We must be very cautious that we do not get behind an unknown candidate who does not have a previous track record in conservative values. Why are “evangelicals” enamored with someone just because they are pushy, showy, rich, and successful in wheeling and dealing? Good talkers do not necessarily make good presidents as our current president proves.

We must be careful not to get behind a candidate because some religious celebrity has endorsed a certain man. I am very disappointed at the shallowness of some of our respected celebrities. The moral future of our nation hangs in the balances and we as a people need to draw closer to God and get His wisdom, right now.

This is such an important time in our history and your prayers can make a difference.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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