noDoes God agree in any way with the Supreme Court’s decision on homosexual marriage? The answer is Absolutely No.

In the beginning God founded and ordained the institution of marriage between one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27, 28) Marriage between a man and a woman is sanctioned by God in multiple instances throughout the Bible. The Bible records no incidence where God sanctions or affirms homosexuality or marrying two of the same sex.

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis chapters 18 and 19 declare God’s hatred for homosexuality and His awesome judgment upon it.

The law of Moses prohibits and pronounces judgment against it (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; and Deuteronomy 23:17). There are 39 negative references to Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament and nine in the New Testament. They all speak of judgment concerning the cities and their sin of homosexuality.

Hate speech is frowned upon concerning race and homosexuality. However, God wants to bless every race, no matter their what their skin color. Just as murder is spoken against and no one sees that as hate speech, so must parents and church leaders speak up against all moral perversion (which uses the human sex drive to do things God did not ordain or create us to do).

The homosexual agenda is now taught in more and more state schools in our nation and there are many Christians who are deeply offended by the liberal hate speech opposing biblical morals. Christians are not taught in the Bible to hate homosexuals any more than they are taught to hate abortionists or murderers. But we are to hate the sin of homosexuality and must speak against this sin. In fact, we must speak out against all that God speaks again.

In the midst of all this we must always remember that we are all sinners in some way or other and that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die and shed His blood for each one of us and that by repenting and turning from our sin we are saved and cleansed from every sinful and moral offence against God.

God loves sinners but He does not love or condone the sin. The supreme Court dared to rule on the behalf of what God condemns and unfortunately, and sadly, the country will suffer for their decision.

Christians cannot bow to their ruling, but only to God’s ruling.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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