The Song of Solomon says, “His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend.”

A man who is always “down in the mouth” is not easy to live with. I have to constantly take stock of myself in this area. I purposefully make myself say positive things in order to break the cycle of negative thinking and speech. Even though I am generally speaking an optimistic person, it has not just happened. I have become more optimistic by disciplining myself to be this way. The last thing people need around them is someone who is down in the mouth. A wet blanket is not going to make anyone feel comfortable.

The words of Jesus surprised the people for they wondered at the “gracious words that proceeded out of His mouth” (Luke 4:22). They also said, “Never man spake like this man” (John 7:46). This is what people should be saying about us for we are His representatives, are we not?

By our words alone we can make a big difference to the lives of those who live around us. Marriages do not break up because of positive speech, just the opposite! Many a marriage could be saved if couples would only sweeten up their speech to each other. Surely, there must be something nice to say to your spouse. Then for goodness sake, say it!

Be encouraged to be a positive influence in your home. Colin.

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