Because the divorce rate is so high in our modern society, we who fear God should make every endeavor to uphold and strengthen our marriage. It would be easier to understand this high divorce rate if it was primarily outside the Christian church. Sadly, this is not the case. You know, as well as I do of family members and friends whose marriages are either on the rocks or in deep trouble. It is a shame to the cause of Christ and points to the shallowness of our 21st century Christianity.

I do not believe we should throw up our arms in utter despair because every second married couple in the church is either divorced or about to be. Instead of a fatalistic attitude we should let our lights shine brighter.

We should, like never before, strengthen the cords of our marriage and family life. We should take stock and indentify every weakness or failure, and do something about it.

We must not take our marriages for granted. We must, with God’s help, be an example to our family of what it means to love God as well as His holiness, for if we do not embrace His holiness we do not embrace Him. Holiness is not a quality of character of which to be afraid, but a lifestyle to be embraced, loved and pursued. As we hunger and thirst for righteousness He graciously fills us with His righteousness (Matthew 5:6).

A man of prayer will be a holy man. Men, we must learn what it means to walk with God where prayer is as natural as breathing.

Be encouraged to strengthen the cords of your marriage. Colin

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