SomebodySayItI guess it will have to me!

God was very merciful to conservatives on Election day, November 6th. I was saddened that we lost the House of Representatives. We did not have enough arrows in our quivers to vote in the conservative candidates needed to hold Congress for the Republican agenda.

I believe the answer to this dilemma is simpler than most Christians realize. However, most do not want a simple answer; they want a philosophical answer.

The problem is so simple to see that even a blind man could see it, at least in his mind. That is, we need more people to vote conservative. Many of the races were very close and it would not have taken many more votes to swing the election of the House to a conservative favor.

I will say it again, for the simple answer to sink into our brains as well as our hearts—we desperately need more Christian, conservative moms and dads to bring to birth more children. We need more children to grow up to be sharp arrows, not only to vote in the righteous to rule this great land, but also to be candidates that can rule in the ways of righteousness, peace, and truth.

It’s not hard to see why the Democrats, with their socialist agenda, want open borders, for open borders provide more illegal votes for their agenda. This is a corruption they are pleased to overlook.

The opposition to conservative government wants more voters, but they do not want to bring them to birth or raise them. They would have to sacrifice their careers. It would bind them to their homes. Therefore, they need open borders with all its risks of crime and human trafficking. They are prepared to overlook all the problems related to unregulated immigration to get votes for them to get the power to govern their liberal, socialist agenda.

But wait a minute. Are we conservatives who desire godly, conservative values limiting the birth rate of our own children? Do we send our few children to the state school to be indoctrinated by the leftist agenda?

Where do we think we will get voters for our conservative agenda? The answer is not complex. It is simple. We must wake up and shake off whatever hinders us from bringing to birth godly, righteous voters. We must shake off the small family mindset, the resistance to sacrifice, all selfishness, and the desire to be what the world regards as normal.

Trying to be like the secular world created the 1.8 – 2.00-member average-size family in America. Because of deaths, wars, accidents, diseases, infertilities, singleness, and homosexual lifestyles, as well as the use of contraception, sterilization, and abortion, two children cannot replace two parents. It takes three children to stabilize a population and at least four to increase.

The undeniable truth is that America is a dying nation. Without immigration we cannot survive. We do not want to raise our own children,, except pfor one or two . . .
not because we believe there is anything wrong in raising American children,
not because we cannot afford larger families (we are one of the richest nations in the world),
but rather because we do not want to sacrifice our own selfish ambitions. We don’t want to be other than normal. Normality is a big problem.

If we keep going in this direction of selfish careerism, taking mothers out of the home, and educating the small families we do have with liberal socialism—democrat ideology, transgender lifestyles, and homosexual marriages that cannot reproduce, how will we ever be able to win conservative elections?

We are hypocrites. We substitute giving birth to our own children and are happy to welcome the births of other nations. In other words, it’s fine with us if others sacrifice to have children in third world nations and its right for them to come here illegally so they can vote in place of the children we are not prepared to bring to birth and raise as our own US citizens.

I am not against immigration as I am an immigrant myself and have many grandchildren born here in USA.

I thank God that in His great mercy He enabled us in these midterm elections to not only hold the Senate but to increase it. This was quite a miracle and an answer to many heart-felt prayers. We should all be very grateful to our Great God and His Son, Jesus Christ for His unfailing mercies. God has given to us conservatives another window of opportunity and we must not squander it.

I thank God for President Trump and I join him and his desire to see our nation great again, not just financially and militarily, but also spiritually. I want to see America filled with its own children, raised from our own loins and wombs, and raised with a conservative, morally valued education as well as having legal immigrants who want to be citizens and who love America.

God Himself mandates His people to be fruitful and multiply and take dominion. It’s time we stopped philosophizing and using our own human reason to thwart God’s vision. If we don’t, we will continue to lose the needed voters.

Election time would not be so stressful if conservatives would simply enlarge their own families. Let the left limit their families and conservatives will laugh on election days because we refuse to be fooled!


Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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