By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 31 May 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Men, we must understand that home embracing motherhood is so important to the lives of our growing children. If we men do not have a strong conviction about this, our wives will not feel their importance in the home.

A wife and mother who is at home makes all the difference between a house and a home. As husbands, we need a home, not just a house. Children need a home, not just a house. Without a wife and mother in the home, the home not only feels empty, but is empty.

Day Care centers are not a place where children are bonded. Children constantly need their own mother’s eyes, their own mother’s approval, their own mother’s encouragement, their own mother’s loving discipline, and their own mother’s embrace.

Day care centers, as well as state schools, deprive children for hours every day of the blessing of true motherhood. Every hour a growing child is forced to be without his or her own godly mother is an hour of deprivation in the life that child.

What’s the point of “mother bonding” if the child is forsaken for hours five days a week?

Why do I write this to men? Because we can help make this happen by our godly counsel, encouragement and provision.

Be encouraged to encourage your wife. Colin