prayer-warriorPsalm 24:7, 8, 10 says, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle . . . Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah."

Men, as the priests of our homes we must not delay, or make excuses any longer, for our failure to rally the troops (members of our families) to gather morning and evening to hear God's Word and to call upon the Lord for His divine assistance in this day of battle.

If you do not believe that you and your family can make any significant difference, all I can say is that you are sadly mistaken. You and your family can be recorded in heaven as the movers and shakers of the earth. You can be known as those who called upon God and stood in the gaps for not only their own nation, but all the nations of the earth that are desperately in need right now.

How can the cry of persecuted Christians go unheeded? There are currently 400,000 Christians in Iraq who are under serious threat (and even annihilation) from the ISIS. Thousands have fled from the city of Mosul after ISIS gave them an ultimatum to convert to Islam, pay protection money, or leave on pain of death.

We must be prepared to take time and sacrifice in whatever way we can in order to pray for them. We must pray that our government will send food and the necessities of life to them. We must pray that our own great nation will deal a crushing blow to these murderers that will stop them in their tracks and send them fleeing. We must pray in Jesus' name that the Islamic people themselves will stand up against these terrorist regimes and groups that glory in murder, rape, and brutality.

Prayers open up the gates and doors to Heaven's abundant resources. We must lift up our prayers and open the gates to invite the King of glory who is the Lord of the heavenly armies to come in. He is MIGHTY IN BATTLE.

Men, it is a slander and shame against our Christian manliness to do nothing to help when women and children and the poor and needy are being raped, beaten, and killed by these murderous, fanatical thugs who call themselves Islamic. We must also pray for Christians receiving persecution from the Buddhists in Burma (Myanmar) and the Communists in North Korea and China.

We must pray that the Lord strong and mighty, they Lord mighty in battle, the King of glory who is the Lord of hosts will give us the strategies on how to defeat these cruel enemies.

Keep up the good work, for you will be rewarded.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell


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