Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Daniel 11:32 (HCSB).
Fathers and mothers . . .
We are raising families of strong, moral character.
We are raising families who are well-taught on all godly, moral values.
We are raising children and young people who know their Bibles and know how to pray.
We are raising children who know how to hold their heads up and their shoulders square in the face of all opposition to righteous standards.
We are training children who know how to resist temptations to be liars, cheats, compromisers, and lazy "good for nothings."
We are training children to be movers and shakers of all that is wholesome and righteous.
We are raising young people who are not afraid of devils and demonic forces of darkness who dare to roar against us.
We are raising families who know their God and who will be strong and do exploits.
We are raising families who have stickability, persistence, and pluck.
We are raising families who are learning how to fight in the battles of life, who will never quit, or throw in the towel.
The whole world needs fathers and mothers who will be prepared to sacrifice everything to make this happen.
Painting: Carlo Bertocci (1946, Italian).