SpeakTruthNowJesus states in Matthew 5:37: “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”

As homeschooling parents, or otherwise, it is imperative to teach our children the absolute necessity to speak the truth and hate lying.

As America faces the coming election of a new president, the polls show that the citizens are fed up and sick and tired of leaders who lie through their back teeth. To them political correctness is far more important than speaking the truth. When a nation looks to elect a new president, the last thing they need is a man or woman who says all the right things but does exactly the opposite when they come into office. Lying is one of the main ingredients of corruption.

There is a famine in the land for truth speakers. We have far too many politicians in Washington who are corrupting the nation with lies. Our country is being morally weakened, on a daily basis, by leaders who have no stomach for the truth and who ostracize and criticize those who stand up against them.

What sort of parents did these liars have? What sort of church did they attend? What sort of college education did they receive? We must pray them off their thrones and vote them out once and for all. America needs people who will only speak the truth.

The world desperately needs people of truth. We will destroy ourselves quickly if this country does not quickly honor the truth, praise the truth, and love the truth. We urgently need a revival of speaking the truth and doing what we said we would do.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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