By Colin Campbell on Friday, 12 April 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Children and adolescents don’t always understand what’s good for them. Sometimes they kick up a fuss about eating a certain food that’s good for them. They do not consider the cost of purchasing the food (and wholesome food is often more expensive than the junk food). They do not consider the work and care the loving mother does to prepare the healthy food. They don’t like it, and therefore they don’t think they should have to eat it! If the parent tries to force them they may bad mouth their parent.

This sort of behavior must not be tolerated, even from an early age. If you do not take the spoon into your own hand and get that spoon somehow into the resisting child’s mouth and keep doing it, along with some appropriate discipline, until you are satisfied that the child as eaten enough you will loose the battle. The child soon learns they can get the victory over you by resisting, crying, and throwing a fit.

Bribing the child with rewards does not teach them good character. Putting the child in a corner or sending them off to their room where they can sulk, pout, and maintain their defiance does not teach them instant obedience.

You must show them that you have the authority, given to you from God, to teach them to submit to authority. This does not show that you do not love them. On the contrary, it shows true love. Proverbs 13:24 says: “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him quickly.”

We know that modern psychology does not accept spanking to be appropriate for the disciplining of children. However, the Bible is much wiser than our present-day mindset when it comes to raising godly children.

I firmly believe that all negative and slanderous speech by our present-day media towards our President is a direct result of bad parenting.

Read Jude 1:8-11. It tells us about those who “despise dominions, and speak evil of dignities.” Much of our main-stream media obviously have never been trained and disciplined at home to respect authority. They mouth off the most venomous, hateful speech without any restraint for the person, let alone the office of president.

We must never encourage a winging, whining, or complaining spirit. Our country is overpowered by it.

It is not only bad attitudes about eating food that need to be disciplined and corrected in childhood but all negative attitudes—selfishness, self-will, self-love, and self-pity. Also disrespect of others, especially older people and those in authority. We must teach our children to genuinely respect parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts, neighbors, church leaders, pastors, employers, teachers, and civil leadership.

Many of our university/college campuses do not respect invited speakers but attack, blaspheme, and shout obscenities at them. This reveals a great failure in the homes where they were parented. They must have been dragged up where every type of negative and obnoxious attitude is accepted and tolerated. They do not bring credit to the nation.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell