PrayBreakthroughThe following is a message from a dear friend of my wife and I, Patricia Holmes. She lived in a community near us and was part of our weekly prayer meeting. Many years ago, Patricia moved to serve the Lord Jesus Christ among the Indian people in the mountains of Panama, South America.

Financially it has been very challenging for her and she has many health problems, but Patricia is a fighter and will not quit, no matter what.

This lady hears from God and over the years has shared words she has received. I believe this message is powerful and right on the mark as to what God is saying. I believe with all my heart that 2019 is to be a year of intense spiritual warfare.

We must pray for our president with renewed zeal for there are many hyenas attacking him from all quarter. There is a big battle raging spiritually for the heart and soul of America. If we all pray, we could see the greatest breakthrough ever.

~ Colin Campbell

“I have long been a critter-lover. But there is one critter that I find to be disgusting, both in appearance and habits. I find no socially redeeming qualities in this creepy critter!

Recently, I saw a picture of an old lion sitting and surrounded by a pack of 20 hyenas . . . despicable hyenas! The lion was in real trouble, and he knew it. The hyenas had not yet attacked the lion, but they were closing in for the kill. To be sure, the lion would be able to take down a few of the hyenas, but what was left of the pack would take down the lion.

In his extremity the lion called out. Thankfully, another lion came to his aid. The hyenas knew that to attack two lions . . . they could do it but would lose many of their pack (an “unacceptable loss” to the pack). Instead, they withdrew and let the lions go.

I immediately thought of our president, Donald Trump . . . and the hyena pack surrounding him in Washington. No matter which way he turns, no matter what he does, the “pack” attacks him. Why? Because Mr. Trump is a Nationalist, and the “pack” are Globalists.

As I looked at the picture and learned of the arrival of the second lion (that rescued the first), I began to pray for Mr. Trump. I prayed that God will give him great wisdom and that God will send another lion to “cover his back.”

As I thought on this, I “saw” a mental picture (of sorts) of a group of lions surrounding the first two . . . and the hyenas backed further away. Then, in the picture I saw the circle of lions became flames . . . a wall of fire (the prayers of the saints?) around the old lion and his rescuer. The hyenas were (by
then) nowhere to be seen.

Dear ones, America is hanging in the balance. If the "Deep State" is able to take down Mr. Trump, it is likely that they will take down America too. After all, they're Globalists: their purpose is to bring about a New World Order (a one-world system), replacing the old system of nation-states. (As Angela Merkel recently said: "Nations must be prepared to give up their national sovereignty." Angela Merkel is a Globalist.)

Not long ago, this thought came to me (and I believe it was from Holy Spirit): "What they are now doing to Trump, they will do to you who are Christians." That is, relentless and unending enemy attacks from all sides!

Folks, we'd better get ready! We need to pray such that our prayers build a “wall of fire” (Zechariah 2:5) around the President, and around each other! We better live in a state of continual repentance and drawing close to God. Daily, daily, daily. And we'd better pray as if our nation depended upon it.

It does!

~ Patricia Holmes * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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