PrayForIsraelToday I break into my current series of FATHERING IN GOD’S IMAGE to call us to pray for Israel.

We who love Israel and pray daily for her prophetic future know that this little nation lies at the center point of international tensions and debate. Those who do not know what God’s Word says about Israel’s national destiny are at a distinct disadvantage. How can they stand on the right side of this debate if they don’t know God’s plan and Word?

The devil is the deceiver and is doing his best to disrupt the future God has written regarding Israel in the period known as the “end times.” Although Israel as a nation has little or no regard for Jesus Christ whom we love and trust, we know that in the end times their eyes will be opened to the truth that He is their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10).

Those who study the Bible regarding the future of Israel and the land know that it is better to side with God and what He says or we will find ourselves fighting against God (Joel 3:2). Who wants to do that?

We have observed President Obama’s strong Islamic leanings. He is certainly more Islamic than Christian. Through his eight years of presidency he has shunned Prime Minister Netanyahu repeatedly. Now, in his last week or so of office he is trying ever so hard, with a last-ditch effort, to use the Office of the United States to enable the predominately Islamic United Nations to deregulate Israel from their land.

This is the land they have lived in for over 3,000 years. This is the land that was given them by divine mandate for an everlasting possession (Genesis 17: 8). And in 1967 they recaptured the heartland of Israel (the so-called West Bank) from attacking Arab armies and Islamic nations who vastly out-numbered them.

Now we have nations that have never had to face the pogroms, gas ovens, mass destruction, and the serious persecutions that Israel faced over the years bullying them into an even smaller and more vulnerable situation than they can possibly accept for their own protection and survival. Shame on all those countries who own vast areas of land and who have never been surrounded by enemies that hate them and who will never, now or in the future, permit Israel to exist in the Middle East in the land that belongs to them eternally by the promises of God.

Are there a few promises? No, there are hundreds. Check out:

Even New Zealand, the country of my birth, turned its back on Israel that lives in land that would amount to one of New Zealand’s provinces. Thank God, the United States has a president coming into office in four says who understands Israel’s dilemma. May God have mercy on my own country of birth, as well as all the countries that turn their back on Israel. None of these countries would accept being bulled to give up land that belonged to them for generations.

There is a God of justice in heaven who sees the arrogance of France and the other European nations, the vast, rich Arab nations surrounding Israel, and the Democratic Obama administration representing the Unties States of America. He will judge the nations for such bullying and prideful actions.

The two-state solution can never work. They have proved it will not work by what the Palestinians have done with the land already given over to them by the pressure of the nations. America has suffered many calamities because we have pressured Israel to give up its Promised Land. An interesting book to read is “As America has Done to Israel” by John P. McTernan.

How dare we mess with God and think we will get away with it? For years, little Israel has been the infamy of the nations, but God loves those who are trodden underfoot and persecuted. Jerusalem belongs to Israel’s Messiah, Jesus Christ, and He will reign forever over the whole earth from the city of Jerusalem (Psalm 89:36,37 and Luke 1:33).

We must humble ourselves and pray.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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