PiercingArrowsNumbers 24:8: “God shall pierce them through with his arrows.” God spoke this prophecy concerning Israel through Balaam, the prophet, who was hired by Balak the king of the Moabites. Balaam prophesied that Israel would be arrows to pierce through their enemies. The king of Balak did not want to hear this prophecy. In fact, it made him very angry.

Would to God that such a prophecy could be applied to God’s people today. Sadly, the enemy’s arrows have pierced us.

However, this prophecy has application to all God’s people throughout all generations if we will only wake up. God calls us to be involved in true spiritual warfare.

If we train our children to put on the whole armor of God, take a positive, militant stand in prayer, and teach them the true art of spiritual warfare that involves binding and losing, we will very soon pierce through the defenses of our enemies. Abortion and homosexuality would soon be overcome. All unholy practices would soon be shattered and pierced through.

We most certainly will not be militant against one another. Nor will we be militant against those whom God wants to save, for we do not fight against flesh and blood. Our real enemies are sinister, spiritual ones that are the driving force behind the physical.

Israel of old was always victorious in piercing rhough their enemy’s defenses if God was with them and on their side. If God was not on their side because of sin in the camp Israel suffered enormous loses.

2 Corinthians 10:4: “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”

Nuclear weapons (perhaps the mightiest weapons on planet earth) cannot defeat the principalities and powers that drive the evils of this world. It takes Spirit-powered arrows that are sent forth from our “on fire” prayer meetings and from the Family Devotions we hold around our breakfast and evening meal tables.

These are the simple, but powerful weapons, like the simple sling that young David, who became one of Israel’s greatest warriors, used to bring the mighty Goliath down to the ground. Goliath epitomized the proud and arrogant strongholds of the devil’s camp, but could not stand against God’s weapons.

The mighty weapons of God include the heart-piercing arrows from home schooling families, morning and evening devotions, coupled with simple, earnest prayer, praise, and worship which accomplish more than any atomic weapon could ever accomplish.

Our weapons are so basic that most Christians don’t even entertain them in in our day of sophisticated modern warfare. All the while we hold this attitude the enemy’s fortresses remain unpenetrated and unmoved. The arsenal of the true Christian family and church include the humble, yet highly effective blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony (which is the Word of God in our mouths when we pray and testify), plus loving not our lives unto death (applying the cross to every area of our lives).

We must not despise these humble weapons if we wish to pierce through the strongholds of the powers of darkness.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Picture: Daniel and Allison Hartman announcing a new arrow to arrive in their family.

Alexis de Tocqueville writing about WOMEN!

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