Keep GoingGenesis 18:17-19: "And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do: . . . For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment."

Men, one of the greatest problems that we have to overcome in the relay race of passing on the baton of biblical values to the next generation is summed up in the word "endurance." Do we have the endurance to see the task completed?

We must guard against softening our stand on the principles of truth. Sometimes I see politicians and businesses stand up against corruption, resulting in much opposition. How disappointing to later see them cave in because they do not have what it takes to endure the contradiction of the opposition. Hebrews 12:3 says, "For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."

How sad to see state after state who have opposed the homosexual agenda for years now caving in. They did not have the endurance to pass on the baton of time-tested Christian Judeo ethics and values. Their surrender has resulted in state wide moral corruption, which in turn weakens other states to follow suit. This can be said of not only the homosexual agenda, but multitudes of other moral issues.

The fatherhood role of passing on the baton of godly values has suffered incredibility in so-called Christian America and the west. Because the biblical role of fatherhood, with all its responsibilities, has not been strongly taught as a major foundation stone in nation-building for many years, it has gradually succumbed to the corrupting attacks of the evil one.

This abdication of parental values and rights has led to the state becoming the legal parents of multitudes of our children. This is sadly the position we face more and more these days. I firmly believe that the biblical roles of both father and mother need to have far more attention in the teachings of the churches.

The church at large is not teaching important doctrine. Is it because of an over emphasis on other truths at the expense of this foundational truth? Or perhaps the mindset that godly parenting just happens naturally. Whatever the reason, true biblical parenting is at an all-time low and desperately needs to be revived. Somewhere along the line, fathers have dropped the ball and the opposite spiritual team to us has picked it up and is running away with it.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

A Mother’s Creed

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