DadReadingTo enjoy peace rather than chaos in our homes, it is imperative that fathers step up to the plate and take their leadership role seriously.

Many wives have come back from the corporate world to be a full-time mother and home school the children. It can be frustrating and difficult for her to deal with the constant immaturity and defiant behavior of the children. If the father is ou at work and not in the home at the specific time of the trouble, he should take the time when he comes home to find the source o the trouble and lovingly and wisely speak to the child, and if necessary, bring some sort of discipline if the situation is serious enough to warrant it.

Every man should stand by his wife and not side with the children against his wife. If he does not stand by his wife, she will not feel secure and she will feel more frustrated than ever. The situation cannot be allowed to continue. If it is not dealt with quickly the wife will feel trapped, alone, and not loved and supported.

Children need the wise, masculine discipline of an interested and involved father. Parenting children throughout all ages is a mother/father team effort. Believe me, your wife will find it easier to endure the immaturity of the children when she knows that her husband supports her in whatever way she needs him. Not only that, she will love him more for it.

Children need the feminine love and nurture of their mother. However, sons and daughters, on a daily basis, need the masculine encouragement, correction, and if needed, discipline of a loving father.

Regular, daily family reading of the Scriptures, coupled with corporate prayers and a hymn or Scripture worship song provide a basis and anchor for all godly parenting and character training.

When reading the Bible to your children, try to incorporate some good illustrations or examples to assist their understanding of the Scriptures. Always ask questions and try to develop their attention by getting them to share their thoughts on the subject matter. Discussion increases their own input and helps their attention span.

Give them matters for prayer on a small card. This helps them to learn to pray for important matters.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

If you have not already purchased DAILY LIGHT ON THE DAILY PATH Plus Creative Ways to Read God’s Word to Your Children, you will want to have this book in your home.

It is a compilation of Scriptures on a certain theme for every morning and every evening for every day of the year. It is only a small portion, so it is not too long for the family.

This particular book gives you different ideas at the beginning of every month to help make your reading the Bible more exciting and interesting for the children.

You will find it a wonderful resource for Family Bible Reading in your home.

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