MIGHTYInLandOur God is a generational Father God. He continually looks for men He can trust to be righteous, generational fathers. King Saul failed to measure up to the righteous standards of humility and absolute obedience that God desires of men who desire to be pattern men—righteous prototypes to whom succeeding generations can look up to, or look back on, as the type of men our Father delights to bless (Genesis 18:17, 18 and Psalm 112:1, 2).

In my mind, the men who stand out as the most powerful prototype leaders and presidents in the politics of this nation would be Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagen, and who knows, the next one could be Donald Trump.

Despite his radically “out of the norm” style of leadership, he has tremendous tenacity and pluck to turn his enemies into his friends. We will soon see what will happen with North Korea, Iran, Russia, Syria, Iraq, Europe, and Afghanistan, etc.

Despite his enemies on the both sides of the aisle, God is favoring him with victory after victory. The economy is roaring ahead like a run-away freight train and many amazing things are happening at record speed, never seen before in the history of this nation.

We must all pray for him that God will give him incredible wisdom, that he will fear God and not man, that he will be bold and yet humble, and always give the glory of his successes to God. Do you pray together as a family for him each day (1 Timothy 2:1-3?

I wonder sometimes whether God has allowed his critics and enemies to be his “thorn in the flesh” like the apostle Paul experienced to keep him humble—that he will learn like King David of old that he must always look to God to deliver him.

This country has been deceived more than enough by men who have the gift of sounding very presidential, but sadly lack the tenacity, backbone, and moral courage to put into action the godly principles that are right in the sight of God and for the good of our country.

I notice that, despite his flaws, all his family are movers and shakers. All speak very highly of him and look up to him.

Like King Cyrus of the Persian empire, God is delivering His people again. I never thought in my wildest imagination that this man, Donald Trump, could ever turn things around for good so quickly. Donald Trump has thrown an axe down on all the chains of the one world government mindset. By the grace of God, he is a huge wrecking ball on all the liberal agenda that is currently duping millions of American youth to go the way of extreme socialism. The future one world order is man’s answer to problems, but definitely not God’s answer.

I would say to the youth of America, where would you want to go to start a business? Cuba? Venezuela? China, where the government controls the profits? Or even socialized Europe? There is no country in the world that is better to start a business than right here in the USA under the leadership of Donald J Trump—if he continues to depend upon the one true God.

However, we must pray for him more than ever. It is very possible that the great sin of innocent blood being shed day by day in this nation could be brought down. God is a God of life, not of death. He is the Judge of all the earth and He is giving us an opportunity to bring all legalized abortion crashing down to the ground.

Please pray that Brett Kavanagh will be established in the Supreme Court quickly. God is on the move and things are happening very quickly. Praise be to our Father God!

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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