DadDaughterFishing"Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God . . . We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (1 John 3:1, 14).

Men, every day we are presented with new opportunities to show forth the loving heart of our heavenly Father. The whole world is famished for living demonstrations of His fatherly love. Each one of us "prayed up" men have the great privilege of generously ministering God's love at all times and at every opportunity to a desperately needy world.

First of all, we must minister love to our wives and families. Those who are closest to us have the number one priority. Men, there is something wrong with the picture when we think that others outside of our immediate family have the first right to God's fatherly love flowing through us. Perhaps it is easier to minister to those who do not see us close up and those who are not acquainted with our faults and failures for they do not really know what we are like on the home base where we tend to be more vulnerable.

The Father's love in us is unchanging, no matter where we are, in the home or out of the home. All that His love requires is men, who despite their own inadequacies, will seek the Lord sufficiently for His love to be released in all its manifold ways to all who are involved in our lives, both at home and everywhere we go.

We men must never forget that the greatest debt we owe our families and our fellowmen is love, for God Himself is love, and has made love to be the highest ambition for man to aspire and fulfill. There is no quest higher than love.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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