ActLikeMen“Why should the nations say, ‘Where is their God?’” (Psalm 115:2 (ESV).

I believe this country is desperate for some positive news. I have always been pretty much a news enthusiast, especially with conservative talk shows such as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, The Ingraham Angle, Judge Janine, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh, etc. However, lately my enthusiasm has been dampened with so much negative news about the corona virus and how deadly it is.

We are told:
You must continually wash your hands. Yes, of course I am committed to do this.
You must not touch your face.
You must wear a mask. I don’t.
You must wear goggles. Really?
You must not eat at a restaurant. They are closed anyway.
You must not go to church. How sad the churches are closed, and yet many abortion clinics are still operating.
You cannot gather publicly.
You must stay indoors. How do you keep a man inside?
You must restrict traveling except to food stores, gas stations, and of course, hospitals.
The enemy can kill you!

I am an 80-year-old man and love getting out and about. Proverbs 26:13 says: “The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.” I am ready to face the lions in whatever form they come!

I don’t know about you, but I feel sick and depressed, not because of the virus, but by those who don’t give a hoot about our economy which is barely existing. Our “loving and benevolent” politicians at the top want to stop us from working and be good little children who wash our hands, stay inside, and don’t go outside because you could die or cause someone else to die.

For crying out loud, please let us go back to work. It’s most likely just as safe at many workplaces as at food stores and gas stations and definitely safer than being among the diseased and dying at our hospitals.

The health institutions have taken over. They are stuck in their little boxes. People are dying and yet they are reluctant and slow to use the hydroxychloroquine (sometimes with azithromycin) which has been proclaimed by President Trump and approved by the FDA. The testimonies of those who have used this drug, which is very safe, have been amazing! Even some who have been at death’s door have recovered when given this drug. It is a proven virus buster, but unfortunately it is outside the priority box of many health officials. People don’t need to die.

And why can’t we get it freely with a doctor’s prescription without having to go to the hospital or wait until the patient has no other alternative? The whole nation should know about it. It should be freely available to everyone now so people can live – and get back to work. We have an answer now.

I thought that home was the place where you resort when you are too sick to work. Why are the healthy given the same prescription as the sick? It gives the whole nation a good (or bad) excuse to get lazy at home.

No nation ever won a battle by extolling the might and power of their enemy. The negative news has to stop right now. We can’t afford to wait for a vaccine (which can’t be trusted) before we get back to work! That’s a liberal agenda.

In the meantime we destroy our moral. In the meantime we sit around watching fake news. The states with democratic governors and mayors that are under lockdown with police curfew are getting a taste of socialism/communism. I pray they will wake up before its too late. We are losing our freedoms fast and the money is running out.

How long are people going to stay away from church? There is so much power in fervent, corporate prayer. I’m sure the devil is happy about that!

“Be on the watch, stand firm in the faith, play the man, be full of courage” (1 Corinthians 16:13 Knox).

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell