By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 06 May 2015
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Proverbs 14:34 states: "Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people."

Another thing that should make us hunger and thirst for righteousness is the lack and need of it. Watching Fox News last night one could not help but feel frustrated and indignant about a convention on public school curriculum. At this convention, extreme leftwing professors instructed thousands of teachers on how to indoctrinate our nation's children with their extreme views of social justice. This should drive us all to urgent prayer that the hearts and minds of our nation's youth will be saved from such evil indoctrination.

All Christians should refuse to allow their children's minds to be polluted with such evil. They should remove them en masse in order to wake up the government.

The lack of righteousness in much of our main institutions of government should also cause us to hunger and thirst after righteousness. The rioting and angry demonstrations, coupled with looting and burning, should also drive us to an ever-increasing hunger and thirst for righteousness.

We desperately need more righteous leaders. We urgently need more righteousness in the White House. If our nation is to again be exalted it will only be through righteousness. Sin, without doubt, brings our nation to a state of reproach.

I know many of you feel grieved at the deluge of evil that floods our government, schools, media, cities, and nation--as well as other nations. We must use this sense of grief to hunger and thirst for righteousness. We reveal our concern by how much we pray.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell