SpeakGodSaysProverbs 16:10: “A divine sentences is in the lips of the king.”

Through the redemption provided us in Christ Jesus we have been made kings and priests  (Revelation 21:5 and 5:10).

I am dividing this subject into two sections, beginning with kings. This is such an important message, especially to us men. In this subject we discover our identity as a king.

Kingship becomes us men. Men especially have been called to rule and reign. We have been called to exercise authority, not only over our own lives, but also over our families. We must also exercise leadership and authority over all principalities and powers, including sickness and disease. Whatever Jesus exercised authority over in the realm of the demonic, evil spirits, waves of the sea, healing all diseases, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, etc., so we have been given this kingly authority.

Kingship is not only our identity in Christ, but also our calling in Christ. Jesus Christ, who inhabits our lives, is indeed a very great King. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords. This divine King not only reigns over us, but also reigns through us. This should make a huge difference to the way we speak and make decisions in our lives in comparison to the way we spoke and made decisions  before we became Christians.

There should be something very kingly in the way we speak now. There should be something very divine and godly about what passes through our lips.

Next time we will look at Scriptures about our lips.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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