By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Keep your minds CLEAN AT ALL TIMES! It is one thing to say we believe in love that "thinks no evil" but it is quite another thing to role model this love before our family.

Evil thoughts can not only be thoughts of anger, resentment, and retribution, but also thoughts of impurity, lust, envy, jealousy, and selfishness. Evil thoughts can be triggered by what we watch, read, or listen to. For these reasons we must be careful about the company we keep, the movies we watch, and the literature we read.

Our friends and acquaintances may think a movie is harmless, but the truth is, the love of God that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit "thinks no evil."

Men who call themselves Christians, but watch porn, whether occasionally or frequently, cannot role model God's love to their wife and family. They are deceived if they think they can for they have adulterated and diluted the pure love of God that "thinks no evil." God's love flows only through CLEAN HEARTS AND MINDS that have not been defiled by the evil of lustful pornographic movies or literature.

Men, we dare not fool ourselves. Our wife and family deserve the best from us.

~ Colin Campbell