VineyardsMany people have never taken the time to study the history of both the Palestinian and Israel issue relating to the “West Bank” or “Disputed Territories” as they have been coined and are therefore, easily deceived by propaganda. The correct name for this area of land is Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem, the heartland of Israel.

The Bible clearly marks the boundaries given to each of the twelve tribes of Israel for an everlasting possession (Genesis 17:8). Read further Scriptures at the end of this post to give you more explicit understanding of the borders. The fact that through their sin and failure to be faithful to their God, they were scattered throughout the nations does not negate the many prophecies from God telling them they would be restored again to their own land, which includes all the so-called West Bank, Gaza strip and Golan Heights etc.

This promise of return and restoration is prophesied in many places through Holy Scriptures. Read Ezekiel, chapters 36 ad 37 and refer again to the link:
Even after Judah’s dispersion by the Roman Empire, a small remnant of Jews remained in the land of Israel. This remnant of Jews remained right up until the time of their nation’s restoration in May 1948.

The so-called “Palestinian” people were primarily based in Jordan and were never the permanent occupiers of the mountains of Israel. They were never driven out of the Promised land by Israel and have never been interested in doing anything agriculturally with the land. This land was promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and will only produce fruitfulness under their possession.

The land is arid, rocky, inhospitable, and desert like. The Palestinians are not in the slightest bit interested in taming and growing it. They only want to use it to obliterate Israel’s presence completely off the map! They only want to steal the land to build strategic rocket launching sites to kill and destroy the innocent and persecuted people of Israel.

On the other hand, Israel is making this barren land blossom like the rose as the Bible states (Isaiah 35:1, 2). They grow luscious grapes and olives out of dry stony ground. Israel needs to occupy this desolate wilderness (which they took back into their control in the 1967 war when they were so viciously attacked by Egypt, Syria, and other surrounding Islamic nations) to settle so many returning Jews.

If you study the wars immediately following Israel’s statehood and the 1967 attack by their Arb neighbors you see that it was only divine, miraculous intervention that caused Israel to win these wars and take back East Jerusalem and other strategic areas.

The “Palestinian” Arabs were kicked out of Jordan in the famous Black September of 1970 when the PLO tried to take over Jordan. In 1970 some two thirds of the Jordanian population were “Palestinian” Arabs. Israel took in approximately 50 percent of the refugees and Lebanon took the other 50 percent. They refused to become one with Israel or receive any offered help to assimilate, but as they had done in Jordan against King Hussain, they now sought to destroy their benefactor, Israel. The same thing happened in Lebanon.

To be continued.

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell


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