By Colin Campbell on Friday, 04 January 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


We are already into the New Year. I sense the Lord is seriously calling me to intensify spiritual warfare this year. I am also persuaded that all Christians everywhere, should rise up and join in the battle against the enemy who is ratcheting up his demonic forces.

The battle lines for America have been drawn. During the first two years of the Donald Trump presidency the protests on the streets by groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa were relatively quiet. However, I noticed over New Year’s weekend that these hate-filled and violent groups that were prominent during the Obama years rose up again. Perhaps they are encouraged by the fact that the Democrats won the House of Representatives in the mid-term elections.

Added to this, there is a new brand of extreme leftists who will be involved in ruling the new democratic agenda. This will make it more difficult for the Republican White House and Senate to advance their more conservative agenda during the next two years.

Globalism, with its ideology of a one world socialist, progressive, communistic style government has already been approved by many nations of the world. They just wait for USA to ratify.

There is one problem. USA still has many people who do not support handing over the United States of America to a one world government. The extreme leftists of the Democratic party, plus some RINOs in the Republican party would gladly support this notion. However, our president is a pure nationalist and believes the United States of America should never surrender its sovereignty to any world governing body.

Prophetically, it is an advent that is going to happen (Revelation 13;1-18), but through the intense prayers of Gods’ people resisting the evil forces of darkness we can overcome. Daniel 7:1-8 appears to mean that the eagle (USA) may not be part of the new world order.

Apart from the above-mentioned fight for America, I sense we must fight for the spiritual lives of our homes and families and churches. I am becoming increasingly aware of the inroads the devil is making on many Christian marriages. We cannot let him have the victory.

Let’s take hold of the words in Nehemiah 4:14: “Be not afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell