PrepareHeartsMen, the tongue has the power to create unity in order for our prayers to be answered and blessings to be commanded (Psalm 133:1-3).

Acts 2:1 tells us that the disciples “were all with ONCE ACCORD in ONE PLACE. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” We know this was the correct attitude for these somewhat self-opinionated Jews to have for such a divine out-pouring of the Holy Spirit to suddenly take place. I think that their all being in ONE PLACE and in ONE ACCORD was quite miraculous in itself.

I believe we can all learn a very good lesson from this first outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the newly born New Testament church. We also cannot expect the Holy Spirit to fill us and empower if we as a family, a group, or a church are gossiping, slandering, or criticizing one another. We need the Holy Spirit so desperately to move in our lives and empower us to be effective witnesses, coupled with signs, wonders, and miracles.

The church in general is riddled with all types of illnesses and life-threatening diseases, including oppressions and depressions. Medical drugs and all types of prescription medicines and anti-depressants are the only way many in the church are barely functioning. What has happened to the modern church that has caused it to abandon the laying on of hands and the appropriating the healing power of Jesus’ name?

To experience a revival that sweeps thousands, and possibly millions, into the kingdom of God, we Christians need to immediately begin laying a foundation of true unity and love. The precious Holy Spirit desires ever so much for us to come into this fullness and power, but is continually grieved by our divisions and disunity.

Our tongues are so often used to backbite, slander, and divide one another. Instead, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we must use our tongues to edify, encourage, and speak loving and forgiving words to each other.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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