ask shall receiveMen, I am stirred up. I believe God wants me to call families all over the world and crossing all denominations, to pray that God will intervene against the evil that is increasing in this world. I firmly believe that small or large families crying out to God can accomplish major exploits on many national and international fronts.

God is more moved by humble fathers and mothers praying daily with their children over the great needs of the world than He is by professional, religious, and prideful prayers that lack simplicity, sincerity, and humility.

At the end of the morning and evening meal each day in our home, I read the Scriptures, then we pass around a box of prayer cards. Each person takes a card out of the box on which is written a major need for prayer. When each person has their turn to pray, they pray over the subject they have picked out of the box. This way, we make sure that we don't miss praying for the current and critical needs that are happening in the world.

In a sense, the great God of Heaven limits Himself to act in the matters that concern men by waiting for us to do the asking. Matthew 16:19 and 18:18 speak of God's servants binding on earth first before Heaven binds.

John 16:24 says, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full." Read also James 4:2, 3.

Men, if you have not yet started praying with your family, start now. You will be rewarded.

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell


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