HappyThanksgivingI am grateful to God for this country. We have now lived in the USA for 26 years. When we first came we applied for Green Cards and became what is called Resident Aliens for a number of years. We have now been fully-fledged citizens for about eleven years. Although we came from the wonderful country of New Zealand of which I am very proud, I must confess that I have no regrets about coming to USA.

I love its vastness. I love its wide-open plains, much larger than the eye can see in all directions. I love its massive acres of agriculture, indeed the breadbox with enough to feed the world. I love the big-hearted generosity of its people. I love its high mountains and deep canyons.

I love its great strength and power to promote liberty, truth, and freedom. I love the sacrifice of its young men and women in uniform that are more than willing to lay down their lives for the nations that are being threatened and destroyed at the hands of wicked evil doers.

I love its crowded churches filled with many people who still believe in the one true God, the God of Israel, and His Son Jesus Christ. Although many nations in the world have turned their backs on God, there are still multitudes in this great country who honor and fear Him.

I love America’s Constitution and although the battle still rages to attack and destroy its great values, there are multitudes who are prepared to stand up and defend it. I not only love this country, but I am most grateful and most thankful to God for His great kindness and mercy to this great country.

Despite its negatives, and every country has them, the goodness of God in America far out ways its evils. If you don’t believe me, you have not traveled much in this world.

I love and thank God for my dear, dear wife and family. We are a big family and a very blessed family. Today we will enjoy a sit-down meal in our home for over 100 of us.

I have so many friends for whom I am very grateful. Most of all, I thank my God who has been so very good to me over all these years. If it were not for His goodness and faithfulness I wonder where I would be? Only God knows.

God bless each one of you and a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Be blessed,

Colin Campbell


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