HAPPY NEW YEAR, or should I say to all men, “WAKE UP” NEW YEAR!

I believe this coming year is going to be a most pivotal and challenging year for all Christian men and their families. The forces of darkness have arrayed themselves to do whatever deceitful and devious things possible to adversely affect the coming elections.

They have made their plans. The have set their snares. They have the main stream media on their side. This great country is hanging in the balances.

Their leader is Lucifer who will possess a false Messiah. He is calling for a one world government, a one world currency, a one world religion and will make himself the ultimate one to be worshipped. The problem for him is whether the USA is still conservative enough
to throw out his evil agenderists in leaders of government, including the White House.

Bible believing men must stand up and be counted. It is no longer time for “business as usual!”

It is imperative we gather our families around us each day, the best time is following the morning and evening meal, and pray together for the sake of our families and nation. We must, by the grace of God, repent on behalf of our nation for all the sins that grieve His Holy Spirit.

This is the time to wake up, to be on the alert and to cry out to God to save us from falling. We must not compromise, morally or spiritually for our God reigns and He is well able to
cause all his enemies to fall into their own snares.

Joel 2:13 says, “Rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.”

Keep praying. Colin Campbell


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