By Colin Campbell on Sunday, 15 June 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all you great Dads who are restoring fatherhood in the nation. You are doing a great job.

We are living in a time when "real" fatherhood has been destroyed. It is called "Vanishing Fatherhood." On one of our recent trips to Germany I was told by a teacher of a large Lutheran Church College, that at a State Principal's Convention for the nation of Germany, a prominent representative of the government stated that parenting in general was so ineffective that the government was planning to take control of all German children from the cradle onwards.

Because fatherhood and motherhood is meant to be the major cornerstone in the building of a godly nation, we as godly fathers must make every effort to regain the ground that has been lost. If we don't, a power hungry government will replace us as parents.

Thank you for being a great father. Keep faithful to your greatest calling of fatherhood. You are strengthening not only your family, but the nation.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell