GodTriesFaith1 Peter 1:7: “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.”

We are in our eighth week of praying every night for our grandson, Arden Allison. We are strongly supported by our immediate family that live around us and our Above Rubies helpers. From time to time, friends and other members of the family who live further away also come and join us. We often have thirty or more of us praying each evening, which includes all the children too, who are great prayer warriors!

We usually begin the prayer meetings with encouraging words from F. F. Bosworth’s book, “Christ the Healer,” first written back in 1924. This book is a “must read” for all Christians. It is one of the most excellent treatises and study on this important subject.

Following a portion of the book, others share Scriptures, words of encouragement, and sometimes even dreams they have currently received. Even the children love to read words of Scripture. Following this we zero in on specific targets we are strongly concerned about who need healing.

We then turn on the worship songs through our P.A. system. We the love the worships songs that encourage us to rejoice in His power, love, and mercy to heal, no matter how bad the symptoms. During this time people are free to walk around, lift up holy hands, dance, sit, or lie prostrate before the Lord. During this time adults and children spontaneously lay hands on Arden. Mark 16:18 states ¨They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

This last Sunday night one of our grandsons, Isaiah Allison (Arden’s 20 year old adopted brother) was with us for the prayer meeting. While journeying home to his apartment in Franklin he had a very serious car crash. The car rolled and his head was crashed so many times and his left ear ripped off. It took them two hours to extract him from the car and he was air lifted to Vanderbilt hospital in Nashville. He is currently in an induced coma especially because of the swelling of the brain.

This has added much pressure upon the immediate family. Fortunately, we are told he has no bones broken and miraculously his life was spared. We have now seen pictures of the car. When it was taken to the Wreckers, the guy said that no one could live from that car.

God has given us a measure of peace and now our prayer times are ramped up even more than ever as we pray for two grandsons who both need a mighty miracle from God. Please pray and believe with us.

Our faith is indeed being tried in the furnace of affliction, but our God is faithful and His word is faithful. All His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ. And it is impossible for God to lie. Our desire is that our faith be purified and come forth as pure gold.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ