GOD’S ORIGINAL MANDATE (Continuing point a)

OrigMandateBefore the fall in the Garden of Eden, it is possible that Adam and Eve had an open channel, unhindered by sin, to reveal the true likeness and image of God. I cannot help but imagine what a magnificent couple they must have been. I wonder whether there was some type of glory covering their bodies because after the fall they knew that they were naked and felt a desperate need to cover themselves.
The next reference to God's original mandate regarding HIS likeness and image is found in Genesis 9:1-7. Verse 6 says: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood by shed: for in the image of God made he man." One would think that following the fall, when the glory of God's image was lost to man (apart from redemption through the blood of Christ) that God would have given up on man ever regaining His likeness and image.
Capital punishment is introduced upon those who murder their fellow man because God had not given up on His likeness being restored to man. This passage of Scripture underlines that an attack on man resulting in death is an attack upon the likeness and image of God which Satan seeks to destroy. God's image is sacred to God and likewise should also be to us. This is why contraception, sterilization, and abortion are an attack on the likeness and image of God.
The Scriptures teach us that through Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, who is called The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-49) that we are completely restored by virtue of our faith in His finished work at the cross. God even brings something greater out of what He restores than what it was before the fall. Originally, Adam could not have known how to manifest God's likeness and image in mercy, forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation until he experienced it personally. Before the fall there was no opportunity for man to demonstrate mercy and forgiveness for there was no sin to forgive. How amazing is the grace of God.
Be encouraged.

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