GodsAgapeThe question all truth believing Christians must ask themselves is: how can love rejoice in the truth if the truth is not made known?

If Jesus had not come into this sinful world and taken our place in judgment at the cross, how could we possibly rejoice in the truth that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son”? God’s love is not passive. On the contrary, God’s love is incredibly active. Therefore, we can greatly rejoice in the truth concerning His love.

We say we believe in the truth, but do we rejoice in the truth enough to make it known? Much of the church is far too passive about the truth. When we rejoice in the truth, we will surely sing to God about it. The greater we rejoice in the truth the higher our praises will be ( Psalm 149:6).

When we rejoice in the truth, we will not be ashamed to declare it. In fact, rejoicing in the truth will motivate us to talk to everyone we can about it. However, as I stated at the beginning of this post, how can we rejoice in the truth if we do not know the truth?

I think it would be fair to say that most Christians do not know their Bibles very well. If fathers and mothers do not take up their priestly duties and read the Scriptures to their families around their morning and evening mealtimes, how will they ever be able to rejoice in the truth they know nothing about?

The truth should be familiar to us; not a strange thing. Hosea 8:12 states: “I have written to him the GREAT things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.”

Daily family devotions will promote the knowledge of the truth. In turn, this causes us to rejoice in the truth.

John 8:32: ”And ye shall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” You don’t get the blessing unless you KNOW it. Your children won’t receiving the blessing of the truth unless they KNOW it.

Far too many Christian fathers are passive concerning family devotions which results in a serious failure to rejoice in the truth. We may see ourselves as good average Christian families but if we are not rejoicing in the truth, we won’t make a difference in the world.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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