By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 02 January 2014
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


A great poem by C. T. Studd for men who want to be men!
by C. T. Studd

Old Daniel was a Dreadnought!
If he was here to-day,
He'd make it hot for the pious lot
Who don't do as they say.

He didn't speak behind folks' backs,
But met them face to face;
He called spades spades, and dubbed knaves
And always proved his case.

He neither cared for place nor power,
Nor feared the lions' den;
A godly cause will lock the jaws
Of beasts, or jealous men.

Whatever God at any time
Might write upon the wall,
He'd up and say, without delay,
To King and Court and all.

Dan didn't say "Belshazzar, Sire,
Your faults are peccadilloes";
He hit his sin with a rolling pin,
And not with feather pillows.

Dan didn't sugar-coat his pills,
Half doses didn't please him;
To save a life he'd use the knife
And bleed a fool to ease him.

Old Daniel ran a college once
Which turned out three invincibles;
A verse or two will let you know
What things he taught as principles.

Dare to be a Dreadnought,
With purpose true and firm;
Dare to live on simple fare,
And don't become a worm.

Dare to be a Dreadnought,
Dare to beard a King;
Tell him all the truth and don't
Emasculate the thing.

Dare to be a Dreadnought,
Faithful, loyal, bold,
Scorning under any threats
To worship man or gold.

Dare to be a Dreadnought,
Not a dressed up "toff,"
Nor glorified policeman,
Nor gun that won't go off.

Make a bold confession,
Though it means the rod;
Dare to kick the devil hard,
And dare to trust in God.