By Colin Campbell on Friday, 20 September 2019
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Leviticus 19:16 says: “Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people.”

When we walk in agape love, we will not rejoice in any form of iniquity that happens amongst our brothers and sisters in the church we belong to. Nor will we pass on negative information relating to members of our own family and close friends.

The only righteous reason for passing on negative concerns is to encourage prayer and desire that the matter will be dealt with in a God-fearing and God-loving way. Therefore, we must be careful about who we talk to. We should not pass information on to people who do not pray.

If we fear God, we will not pass on anything with a motive to gossip or slander.

If we are tempted to pass on to others anything that is based on hearsay and cannot be collaborated or verified, we should check out the facts before we say anything. Otherwise, we are no better than the fake media!

Leviticus 19:16b: “Neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor: I am the LORD.” We stand against the blood of our neighbor when we find some juicy titbit of gossip to say against them. It is a serious thing in the sight of God when we feel glad or even want to share negatives to others. Sometimes we can’t wait to gossip and slander others to spread a negative and evil report.

Some might say that to stand against the blood of your neighbor means to want your neighbor dead! Or you will not defend your neighbor’s blood if he should die or be killed. However, 1 John 3:15 says: “Whosoever hateth his brother (neighbor) is a murderer and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”

Tale bearing, gossiping, and slandering goes against the love of the brethren as well as the love of one’s neighbors.

To be continued.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell