GodLaughsRecently I talked to a young man who is attending college. He shared how his professors advocate delaying marriage and childbearing until they establish themselves and their career. This is how all young people are educated today. Girls are urged to make sure they get settled in a career so that they will have a means of support "in case their marriage fails."
Talking to another young lady who attends college she said, "Don't you know that we can now freeze our eggs so we can enjoy our career and have babies later in life when we are ready?"
"Yes," I replied. "I have read about this." In fact, Facebook and Apple now offer female employees a health benefit in order to freeze their eggs so they can focus on their career. However, although this young lady thinks it is “the norm” I am appalled. A generation of young women are being deceived and denied the glory that God intends for them.
It is dangerous to send a young person to college if they are not cemented in godly convictions and a biblical worldview. If they don't know what they believe and are rooted in God's eternal truths, they will soon be indoctrinated with lies from Satan.
The ideology of humanism and feminism looks "wise" to those who do not know the truth. This is Satan's trick. He coats his lies with a semblance of wisdom. They sound a good idea to the natural mind. This is how he first tempted Eve in the garden? How could you tempt someone who walked and talked with God every day? Only by making things "seem" good and wise (Genesis 3:6).
1 Corinthians 1:20, 25 says: "Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? . . . Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men." Isaiah 44:25 says that He "Turns wise men backward, and makes their knowledge foolishness."
Let’s be very careful where we send our children to be taught. Surely we want them to walk in truth and wisdom.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Sheri Dinardi

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