BattleHorses“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

We only have six days left before the mid term elections. Having voted yesterday I have only one thing left that I can do and that is to give myself to fasting and prayer.

I believe that it would be disastrous for the Trump Agenda if the Democrats get control of the House or Senate, or both. I think that many Christians do not realize the importance of these elections. Voting is very important. Yet, I believe that possibly there is another thing that is even more important. That is praying that God will divinely intervene and enable us to keep the House of Representatives as well as the Senate. We must pray that all the good things that the president has yet to accomplish will be passed into law.

These last two years, this nation has been given a window of opportunity to reverse, through our president, many of the extreme, socialistic strangleholds that Obama mandated during his years of presidency. We have seen with our own eyes the relief and quick way the country has rebounded back since President Trump was elected. We cannot afford to see this great momentum paralyzed or slowed down because we did not make the most of this window of opportunity.

• We must pray that everyone will come out en masse to vote for the most conservative candidates.
• We must pray for the races where the Republicans are neck and neck with the Democrats.
• We must pray that the Fake News Media will not be able to persuade people against the Trump Agenda with all their lies and deceptions.
• We must pray against abortion for the sake of the unborn children that are being murdered in the womb daily. Their innocent blood is bringing our country into judgement.
• We must pray God will stop many who oppose righteous government that they will not be able to vote.
• We must pray that Christianity will not be marginalized by our government and justice system, as well as our schools.
• We must pray that God will give wisdom to our leaders and our president on how to stop people being shot down in our streets and public places.
• We must pray that our country will be spared the devastation from hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, fires, and epidemics.
• We must pray for deliverance from the drug abuse that causes multitudes to become addicted in multitudes of homes and families.
• We must pray that our president be well protected, as well as all our leaders, from assassin’s bullets, knives, or poisons.
• We must pray for the youth of this nation to be saved from the evil indoctrination of leftist teachers and professors in our schools and colleges.
• We must pray that our young ones will be protected from pornography and all transgender propaganda in the schools and on the Internet.
• We must pray that the immoral sex abuse going on in high places will be dealt with speedily.
• We must pray for our homes and families that God will protect us and hedge us in from all enemy attack.
• We must pray for a great turning back to God and His Word.
• We must pray for the turning of the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers (Malachi 4:5, 6).
Tonight, we have our weekly prayer meeting. We will come to the prayer meeting as “battle horses” ready to do battle. Read Job 39:19-25; Zechariah 10:3; and Song of Solomon 6:4, 10.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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