GiveMountainMen who do not have "spark" are bland and boring. Their eyes are dull and lifeless. They have no oomph in their personality or spring in their step.
We know how bad it is when we keep pulling the rope to start the engine of the lawnmower but there is no spark. You feel like throwing the wrench at it! No woman should marry a man like this and no one should ever hire such a man.
Spark denotes life. As men get older, they tend to lose their spark and zest for life but I do not believe that it should be this way. Men should take all the corrective measures possible to stop themselves from oxidizing and getting rusty. We know that drugs, alcohol, and pornography can ruin a man's personality. Sitting around and living a sedentary lifestyle, coupled with laziness, and not showing initiative also take the spark out of a man.
Mountain climbers would never dream of taking a man without any spark on such a dangerous expedition. God wants men like Abraham and Caleb with lots of spark to climb His mountains.
Let’s be reminded again of Caleb’s confession: “As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come. Now therefore GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN” (Joshua 14:12, 12). This mountain was inhabited by giants, but he was ready to take them on at 85 years of age!
Remember, it only takes a few sparks to get a fire going. The best sparks come from Christians filled with the Holy Spirit. Reading God's Word and praying daily are an excellent cominbation to create sparks.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell