Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ.”

Real men put their whole heart into whatever they do. Doing your work heartily and unto the Lord means to work with intensity, enthusiastically, willingly and cheerfully. You do not work grudgingly and you are not easily distracted.

Men, I believe it is so important to realize that your real Employer and Rewarder is the Lord. In this respect, you are in full-time service for Christ. If you get dismissed, or laid off, it would do well to recap your service to the Lord.

Have you been working heartily? Christian men would gain a whole lot more respect from the Lord, as well as their fellowmen, if they put this Scripture into daily practice. Even if you get laid off because the business has closed down, you can be assured the Lord will soon prosper you with another job if you have been diligently applying the above Scripture.

If you feel you have failed in your work ethic, repent, and tell the Lord that if He opens up another job for you that this time your attitude towards your work will be a lot better. Ask the Lord to help you work HEARTILY for Him.

Be encouraged. Colin

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