FightGoodFight2Men, just as Israel had to fight with great commitment and determination in order to possess their promised land, even so we have to rise up and fight to take our promised land.

1 Timothy 6:12 tells us to: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” The word “profession” actually means “confession.”

Just in case some may dislike the whole idea of fighting, this Scripture tells us it is a GOOD FIGHT! Some folks are laid back and would rather retreat from the battle. Others just love to get into the midst of the fight; they can’t help themselves.

However, not all fighting is good. If the fight has no spiritual value it is better for us to stay out of it and not get involved. Those who are always wanting to fight it out with someone would be better to spend time and energy fighting the GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH against the devil, instead of people.

Every Christian must get the revelation that we have all been called to fight. If we don’t stand up and fight the devil will win and cheat us out of our land of many promises. We must fight to maintain our confession of truth. All the promises of God hold within them “eternal life,” the abundant life, the dynamic spiritual life that we are to lay hold of (Ephesians 6:12).

Eternal life is not only futuristic or only for when we get to heaven. No, a thousand times no. This attitude tends to complacency. “Laying hold” in this context means “to seize and hold ground from the enemy.” The enemy does not have the power and authority to stop us from possessing and laying hold any promise from God, but he tries to trick us, deceive us, and resist us in every way possible. We must not let him cheat us. We must not allow him to fool us any longer, for greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

We have been called to fight. We will arise and fight. We will lay hold, grasp, snatch, and seize every square inch of the promises He has bequeathed to us by our inheritance in Christ.

Men, we need to ask ourselves: what promises are we fighting to lay hold of and possess today? Giving mental assent to truth is not good enough for it does not require much fighting We must get into the action of believing in our hearts and CONFESSING WITH OUR MOUTHS (Romans 10:9, 10). Only then will we possess ground.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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