Luke 9:26: Jesus said, “For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.”

As Christians, we must highly esteem the value of our homes and families. This is a big political battle. The extreme socialist agenda wants to minimize the importance of home and family. They want women to deny their God-given instincts to mother, manage their homes, and raise the children God Has planned for them.

They want women to be self-centered, independent of men, self-reliant, and nurturing their own career outside of the home instead of mothering their own children in the home.

To encourage and incite women out of the home and into the work place is negative to nation building.

The ultimate aim of communism is to deny all God-given and traditional roles for men and women.

Communism is socialism in its purest and extreme form. Every business and every person, along with all their assets, belong to the government. Every person is put on the same level, and in most cases, receive the same weekly allowance. The only people who benefit more than others are the leaders of the communist party. They make sure they get all the perks and advantages.

All incentive to stay at home, homeschool, and train and nurture future generations in biblical truths is indoctrinated out society.

Communism and all forms of socialism that denies, minimizes, and denounces all Christian traditional and biblical ethics (including home and family) will eventually torture and imprison those who desire to hold on to the biblical values and freedoms.

We have already seen this happening to those who do not support the LGBT agenda.

Communism and extreme socialism are anti-Christ. Millions of God-fearing people who have resisted communism and the socialist agenda have been tortured and put to death. This is still happening in Venezuela, North Korea, and China and is beginning to happen now in many western countries that are giving themselves over to socialist propaganda.

The Democrat party here in the USA is being hijacked right now as we speak. Multitudes of women are being lured away from their homes through the propaganda of socialism which is taught in our public schools and colleges.

We must not take our freedoms and Christian privileges for granted. We must stand up and fight for our families and our homes. If we do not fight and we do not resist we will soon lose all the freedoms that we so easily take for granted.

Nehemiah 4:14: “Do not be afraid of them: remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

My wife and I have been twice to see that current anti-abortion film, UNPLANNED. It is R rated but we would encourage you to take your young people. We understand why Hollywood made it an R. The liberals do not want the nation’s teenagers to see it.

Isn’t it amazing that a 15-year-old can legally have an abortion without parental knowledge and consent, and yet they don’t want them to see this movie at this age?

The abortion industry is a big money-making business. Planned Parenthood is revealed as an organization that is primarily concerned with women’s health but that is window dressing. The abortion industry’s main provider is Planned Parenthood and they can only survive by increasing their abortion quotes.

Be challenged,

Colin Campbell


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