By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 01 February 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The second chapter of II Samuel gives great lessons to us fathers on how to restrain our children from evil.

1. We should give godly admonishment. Eli gave very godly admonishment (I Samuel 2:23-25).

2. If the admonishment is ignored, we must take appropriate action and discipline. Eli failed in this point. His sons should have been dismissed from the ministry because of their evil behavior.

3. If we do not effectively restrain our children from evil by appropriate discipline we open the door for God’s severe judgment to fall on them, on ourselves, and future generations (I Samuel 31-36).

4. We must warn our children of coming discipline if our admonishment is ignored.

5. The process of admonishment, with appropriate discipline, should start early in a child’s life. If not, not only your children, but you and your wife, and others will suffer much grief.

6. It is wrong for the father to want to discipline. This reveals meanness, harshness and over-bearing severity. It is better for the child to know that the father has to discipline rather than wants to discipline. Loving discipline will help overcome resentment and rebellion.

7. We fathers must realize that in many cases of wayward children, the father is most likely the main problem. We do not love your children by being soft on them.

To be continued tomorrow.

Be encouraged. Colin