By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog



When the father of the home understands the importance and relevance of family devotions he will be motivated to make it happen. Family Devotions are something that the devil does not like because it threatens his kingdom. Therefore, he does whatever he can to discourage, and finally put a halt to family devotions.

Men, we must be strong in our convictions on this subject. Family devotions are not something we wait to feel good about before we act. They are not to be taken casually with a “take it or leave it” attitude.

Most Christian men have not had strong mentorship on this subject. They have not had fathers who have trained them to see the importance of family devotions. The enemy capitalizes on this in order to snuff it out before we can even establish family devotions as a daily morning and evening lifestyle in our families.

Family devotions must be seen as imperative and absolutely essential to both the physical and spiritual wellbeing of our families (1 Timothy 4:7-8).

Be encouraged. Colin