By Colin Campbell on Friday, 07 September 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


Because so many women are encouraged to leave their home, I thought I would write some practical points to not only encourage women back into the home, but to help them to feel glad and contented to be at home.

What is a home without a mother in it? It is nothing but an empty shell. It is sterile. It has no atmosphere. When mother is not in the home the children, of necessity, will be elsewhere, but not with their mother.

The home needs a mother and true mothers need homes. Homes and mothers are synonymous terms.

Some women have taken the plunge to come home, but have found it difficult because of negative pressures. A husband who does not have strong convictions on this subject is one of the main culprits. Even if he does have strong convictions, but does not know how to encourage his wife to be happy at home, he can easily loose his wife back to the corporate world.

Tomorrow, I will begin a list of practical suggestions for men on how to bring this encouragement to their wives.

Be encouraged. Colin