By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


6. Be a brighter and happier man in her presence.

Remember, that throughout the day, your wife has had to cope with crying children and doing all she can to keep the peace. It certainly doesn't help her when she also has to cope with a griping, grisly, overly serious man who doesn't know how to look on the bright side of life and have a good laugh at problems.

Men have mentioned to me that being in a place of responsibility at work is much easier for them than dealing with the immature chaos that frequently occurs in their home. I say, we should never ever equate the smooth running of the work place with home life. At work, it is much easier to dismiss someone who is constantly insubordinate; at home we are seeking to train and discipline immature feelings and wills, and each is often different to deal with. We can't expect maturity too quickly. Remember, you are dealing with growing maturity.

Learn to loosen up. Learn to smile more. Learn to laugh more with your wife and children. Do not allow the imperfections of your family to turn you into a sober-side.

Be encouraged. Colin