Fathers, please take note: Every child who has loving, wise, and fun-loving parents, coupled with healthy discipline, is at a great advantage to others in this world!

I believe that discipline must be balanced with lots of healthy encouragement. Soon after a child is disciplined wise parents will spend some time hugging, encouraging and reaffirming their belief that the child will, through embracing the right attitude, become a much better person.

It is a good thing to also pray with the disciplined child. We all need God to help us and children need God’s help, especially during their early learning years. It is a healthy thing for a child to be taught to say “Sorry” to the offended party.

If we are always correcting our children without sufficient encouragement they will become morose, discouraged, and lack self esteem. Lots of encouragement will help the child to want to please you because they know you believe in them. Good parenting will also think of fun things to do with the children. Play games with them, read stories to them, and take them on fun excursions.

Use your eyes to communicate your approval. Use your arms to hug. Use your voice to bless.

As fathers, we should seek to be around our children as much as possible. Children love fun, therefore we fathers should daily make time to have fun with all of them. Take time to watch them show you what they have learned. Become interested in what they are interested in. Encourage them every day. You will be surprised what a little encouragement will do.

Be encouraged to encourage. Colin Campbell
You Are The Best!
God Will Come!

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