EleazarCourageEleazar, the son of Dodo, was one of David’s three mighty men. You can read about him in 2 Samuel 23:9, 10 and 1 Chronicles 11:12-14. I mention him because of the interesting statement that “his hand cleaved unto the sword.”

The Philistines gathered for battle against the Israelites, but the Israelite army fled in fear. However, David and Eleazar did not run. They held their ground in the middle of a barley field and the two of them beat back the whole army of the Philistines! The passage in Samuel tells us that Eleazar’s “hand was weary, and his hand cleaved unto the sword: and the LORD wrought a great victory that day.”

The Lord wrought a great victory. All the other men of Israel fled the scene and only returned to pick up the spoil.

“His hand cleaved unto the sword.” Obviously, his hand had become so weary slaying the enemy that he was too weak to release the sword. Or possibly God supernaturally cramped his hand to the sword so that others had to pry his fingers loose.

No one can say that Eleazar didn’t have stickability. I think stickability was built into every fiber of his being. I am sure that Eleazar went home that night praising God for the strength, courage, and bravery that God gave him to slay so many Philistines.

I wonder how the other men of Israel felt as they began picking up all the spoils from off the dead corpses. The spoils would have included their battle shields, knives, swords, and money.

The men of Israel came back and get the spoils but Eleazar got the victory and fame for his valor. Eleazar got the respect of all King David’s men that day. No wonder he was one of the “three mighties.”

Men, we must teach our children that valor that comes through NEVER GIVING UP, NEVER QUITTING, STANDING FIRM, and having done all, to KEEP ON STANDING.

God is not in the business of raising wimps, retreaters, and children without stomach and backbone.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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